Where Would I Be?

That's a loaded question. Where would I be if these people weren't part of my life? It's a hard one on some front, but an easy one on others. I haven't really thought through this post. But instead I just want start typing and see what comes out. I might have to ask for forgiveness now for something that might or might not be typed. There in no order. Anyways....

  • My Mom - she worries about me and I can't tell you how much that means to me. She worries that ministry will hurt me. She worries that I won't ever be able to support myself (that was especially for you mom). She worries that her baby will be in pain. But in her worrying she trusts. She trusts that God will take care of it. That His plan is perfect. That her baby will be taken care of. Mom, over and over again you display your trust for your Creator, even when times were tough. You've taught me how to trust Jesus. Thank you God for my MOM!
  • Fred Harris - he showed and taught me a lot, but the one things that God continues to teach me through Fred is that God's words changes lives. His ability to understand and communicate scripture is beautiful and I desire to be used by God to change lives as Fred has exampled. He also took a chance and why I really don't know. But he saw a punk kid and took the time to invest into Him. He taught me to take a chance on people, even when they suck to be around. Thank you God for Fred.
  • Andrew - he has been blessed with a servants heart and a desire to see peoples lives transformed by Jesus. He is an example of the believe I want to be...one that cares for other before myself. Thank you God for my brother.
  • The Horton's (Myra, Keith, Cam, Chels, Chase and Cal) - they taught me a lot about myself without even knowing that they did. They taught me how to love. That might sound weird. Let me explain. I'm definitely someone that thinks about themselves first. Someone that does things for my own gain, but a lot of that changed when I met the Horton's. Not saying that I totally changed. Don't get me wrong. I still do A LOT of things for myself. But God created a place for the Horton's in my heart and I can honestly say that I love them more then myself. They taught me how to love in their example of loving me. The kids are amazing and I'm reminded constantly of the blessing that they are in my life. Thank you God for the Horton's.
  • My Dad - he has showed me that a father is to always be there even when he can't for his kids. I always have known that my dad will be there for me any time I've needed him, even when he is states aways. Thank you God for my dad!
  • Pastor Dennis - he showed me what it looks like to care for a flock. He displayed love for the people God entrusted to him over and over again while I was at Arrowhead, even when they were being stinky people. He set an example of what a pastor is to be, not only in ministry, but in life. Thank you God for Pastor Dennis.
  • John Popovich and Brent Fenton - they taught me to think outside the box. The way that they look at situations boggles my mind. They have an ability to get creative about anything and I aspire to think like them some day. I value John's eye and Brent's ability to lead people (especially junior highers) into worship. If this church plant ever comes into existence, I would love to do it with you guys at my side. Thank you God for Brent and John.
  • Erik VanDuyn - he taught me how to pray. He is one that I can alway count on to pray for me or to pray for a situations. There are a lot of times that I don't want to pray or don't care to pray about that. But Erik has taught me that it is just that important that you do even we you don't want to. Thank you God for Erik.
  • Wendy and Vicki (my sister and sister-in-law) - they taught and encouraged me most recently to stop and watch for God's moving. To stick to being with God even when you don't want to. To be the best Christ-follower I can me. Thank you God for Wendy and Vicki.
  • Stevie and Steve (my brother and brother-in-law) - they have taught me what I dad is to be. They have shown over and over again how a Godly father is to raise their kids and I desire to be half the dad and husband that they are one day. Thank you God for Stevie and Steve.
I know that isn't everyone that has impacted my life, but that is who I can think of right now. Thank you, all of you for making me the man that I'm today! Know that God has used you to make huge impacts on my life. You all truly are a blessing in my life and I thank God often for you.

Thank you God that I have a list this long!!


Wendy said...

I love hearing your heart, Josh. I started to get teary-eyed when I first started reading this. It's always fun to see how people's hearts change and how God uses others to bring about this change. Love ya!

Andrew Burcham said...

I have to agree with all this, at least the family ones since I don't know everyone else as well as you do, but we have a great family that has taught us alot. Thanks everyone!!