Wednesday....Can I say anything more?

Here some random thoughts that have run through my brain in the last couple hours:

  • My fantasy hockey team sucks! Which must mean that it manager isn't much of a manager. I don't have an amazing team, but I do have a good one. I'm at the point to decide to wait it out or find another team. Anyone want to give me a good goalie?
  • Yesterday wasn't bad! Monday I was ready to walk away from jury duty, I still would be okay with that, but overall it was a good day.
  • I still have a lot of books to read and I'm not feeling motivated to get any of them read. Any ideas on getting my butt in gear to read?
  • My Avs are doing okay; they are 9-5, which ain't bad. I would like to see them higher on the leader board (is that one word?), but we still have to entire season. I have coyote tickets when they are in town in February so I defiantly looking forward to that. Great seats too!
  • My parents are coming into town at the end of the month and we need to do some deep cleaning. Not that the house isn't clean, it's looking pretty good (even my room is spotless, which is probably a first). But we'll have to do all the crazy cleaning stuff: getting all the corners, cleaning the stairs, etc. Since both of them are reading this blog I think I'll add that we are taking good care of your house and it does look good; we just want it prefect for you!
  • Have you play Halo 3? I would have to say it's an addicting game. I might of missed something, but I don't think it lived up to all the hype it got. Still a great one to play and since we have a 360 (thanks Nate) now, if anyone wants to send us a copy of the game, we would take it. Hint Hint.
  • A little bummed that I'm probably not going to make to Cal and Chels district cross country meet. Unless of course you call the judge and ask that I get out early.
That's all I got. Just some thoughts from this morning.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that you are blogging so often. It makes me feel closer to you - thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Ok, so, as far as the goalies go, don't feel bad. There really aren't many good ones this year. I think everyone is frustrated right now. Yes, even me. For some reason my team put on auto-pilot and now Stevie is only 2.5 points behind me. I was 11 points ahead of him last week. Uggg!

Oh, and I have a good idea as to how to get you motivated to read - go back to school. It's true, when you are being graded on something, for some reason you find a way to get it done.

Luv you!