Wired for Ministry

I'm defiantly wired for ministry and I'm missing it. I miss caring for people; I miss being a part in people's spiritual journey; I miss planning ministry; I miss overseeing ministry and challenging myself; I MISS ministry.

I've been reading a lot over the past couple of months and God has changed my heart for people and the church. Still on the journey, till the day I die, to becoming more like Christ. All these things that I've been learning about myself, Christ and the Church aren't going any where. I have no outlet for all of this. When I was in ministry; I had my team, other staff members and such, but now that I'm not, all this information stays in my brain. Maybe that is why I started this blog, to have an outlet.

As I've been visiting churches over the past month I've realized that I belong on the other side of the service. I feel out of place. I miss the teaching, the planning, the team, the creativity...I'm wired to do the service not attend the service. It's funny. When I left Arrowhead one of the things I was looking forward to was just attending a service with no responsibility, not the case now.

Another thing I'm missing is having a place in peoples spiritual growth. Not that I do or did the growing, that was God's job (
1 Corinthians 3:6), but we are called to plant and water the seed and that is what I'm missing. I miss the shepherding. I miss the teaching, the planning and implementing.

Here is the hard thing: Pastors think differently and look at life and the church differently. It's hard for me to explain this to the people around me, because I don't think like them. We're wired differently. My passion for ministry is different. I don't know. Maybe you other pastors out there understand what I'm trying to say.

Anyways...I miss ministry and I'm asking God to give me a plan soon. I have a direction I'm headed with His guiding. I just don't know if it is just for the journey or this is what He wants me to do. Be praying for me to have wisdom from His and a peace about a direction.