
August Rush

If you are thinking about checking it it. It was one of my top 25 movies! I even went on iTunes the next day and bought the soundtrack and I don't buy movie soundtracks. Here are my thoughts on life and God's truth that I pulled from August Rush.

God has designed us to give Him glory through music. He was put a passion and an ability to be moved by music inside each of us. This movie wasn't only moving in the music that this little boy was able to create, but the story of finding his parents through music was a great picture of God desire and our desire we should have to have intimacy with Him.

August desire deep in His soul to find his parents and knew that they were still out there wanting to find him. We know God has that desire to find us, but where is our desire to seek Him back? I think we, as Christians, have stopped seeking Jesus and desiring His intimacy. We’re gotten comfortable with who we think He is.

Take some time and step away to evaluate where you are at in your walk. Are you comfortable with your Christianity and your Savior? Or are you seeking to know Him more intimately every day? We can learn something from August Rush’s persistence and confidence in knowing and being with His parents.


Anonymous said...

I like how you talk about what you learned from the movie and relate it to what God wants from us. I rarely look at movies this way, but it is a good way to look at anything. Thanks for the inspiration!

Josh Burcham said...
