
Best Game of the Year!

I played this game, Call of Duty 4, last Friday at a buddy's house and was totally sick. We only played multi-player and that was enough for me to go out and rent it. I would of bought it, but I don't have $60 to drop on a 360 game. But I rented it and the campaign mode is crazy nuts! I is easly the coolest game I've ever played. Most of the time, games like this you just play the multi-player mode all the time, because the campaign is just okay. Call of Duty 4 you can play over and over again, it's just that cool. Any task you would preform during war, this game allows you to do. If you own a 360 or PS3 I would buy this game!


Anonymous said...

I just earned you $0.20, now post something! J/K. I miss you! Hope your week is going well. Jury duty still going on?