
I'M DONE!!!!!

Sorry about the lack of posting over the last week, but with Jury Duty and being in California for Thanksgiving it's been hard to post.

But, Jury Duty is finally over and I never have to go back into that courtroom. First think you're probably thinking is “what was the case about?” I don't think it is appropriate for me to post that here, where anyone can see it. But it was a Second Degree Murder trial and we were a hung jury, so they declared a mistrial and will have to try it again or plea out. By the sounds of it, they will plea out. But ask me in person and I will share it all with you.

I’m glad that I served on a jury once and it really was important for me to do so, but I never want to have to go through this all again. I think everyone should do it at least once, but it was draining and long. It really took everything out of you. Having to go day after day looking at picture after picture and hearing testimony after testimony is so much harder than I thought going into it. There were a couple days last week that were just nuts and crazy hard for all of us jurors to go through; deliberation wasn’t fun.

But all in all I’m back to blogging and hopefully I can keep up with it daily.