A Thought That Made Me Ponder

Great post over at Andrew's blog and it got me thinking...

God doesn't rate our relationship with Him on things we do for Him or things we don't do for Him. He bases it on one thing. When Jesus was baptized by John in the book of Mathew:

After being baptized, Jesus came immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened and He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him. and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." Matthew 3:16-17

This was before Jesus preformed any miracles, before the sermon on the mound, before all of His ministry and God the Father says, this is My Son, whom I'm well-pleased. God is pleased with us because we are His sons and daughters through Christ. No more. No Less. Yeah, getting sin out of our lives allows more intimacy with our Savior, but doing the right things or saying the right things isn't going to impress God. Just being His is enough.

It is with that mind set that things start to change. The church for so long as taught do this, do that and with good intentions. The problem is believers missed the reasoning behind it for some reason. We have come to base our relationship with Christ with things we do. If I read my bible everyday and tell people about Jesus, I'm a good Christian. No! All great thing to do for the Kingdom, but they DON'T make you a great Christian. It's your intimacy with your God. Why do I use the word intimacy, because people understand that deep level of a relationship. Well maybe not understand it, but know what it is. It's not just friends or lovers it's that deeper level of trust, joy, peace, that level where anything can be said with out fear, where nothing is hidden...it's intimacy. I've seen too many Christians that read their Bible everyday, never cuss, love their boss, and go to church every chance they get and their relationship with Christ can't be seen behind all that stuff! Don't get me wrong all very good habits, but not ones that make our relationship with Christ, they do help. If you are not seeking after Jesus in those things, you're not deepening your relationship with Him.

Now if believers started to look at their intimacy with Jesus, I think they would be surprised that all that ministry and being a good person didn't get them that far!

We start seeing believers seeking after Jesus! Not ministry, not good works. We are going to see a HUGE change in this world and for the kingdom!


Andrew Burcham said...

How awesome would that be if everyone in the church were to be sold out to Jesus...and that's it

I love that about how God loved Jesus, and loved us before we ever did anything for him...just to know that we are His is enough...Amazing