Random Randomness...

Since everyone it copy me in my random randomness; I figured I should post one as well. Actually I stole that name of a post from Kurt Johnston, out of Saddleback. Here are some thoughts that have been running through my head this Friday morning, I guess more afternoon (depends on when you woke up).

  • My mouth is KILLING me! For the last two nights I've woken up to my mouth throbbing in pain! I have wisdom teeth coming in the back of my mouth; the other ones have come in just fine, but this one is far enough back that it's coming through my gums at the jaw muscle and I'm dying. I bought some of that numbing stuff (which only works for 30 minutes or so) and Advil. So I've been living on that stuff. But for the last couple of nights I've been up one or two times and couldn't get back to sleep! I need to get these things out, but that cost money and money I don't have.
  • Going to see National Treasure later today that should be cool. It is probably one of the only ones I've been looking forward to seeing the last couple of months. Usually, Christmas time has almost as many good movies at the summer, but not this year!
  • I love Google reader. I now have it on my iGoogle and am able to have all my blogs in one place, instead of all over my homepage, and broken up by categories. How sweet is that.
  • Had that interview yesterday. It went well. It was very short. I think is was her first time conducting an interview, so I felt kind of bad for her. I won't know anything till after the new year. I'll keep you posted. But if you know of any jobs I would be good at let me know or throw my name out there.
  • Still working through this church planting passion. I reading through things, but my prayer has been I need a team God. Give me a team!
  • I CAN'T WAIT to see the NewSpring Church's Christmas service. A lot of buzz around it. You can read about it here, here, or here.
  • Dang! I still have to pack. Hopefully I have enough clean close to pack. I really don't want to do laundry.
  • I've started getting blogged down with reading. I haven't done enough of it these past couple of weeks and still have a large stack of books to get through.
  • Do you know how to fund a church plant? If you do, let me know. Plans are coming together. Okay. I guess it would be my ideas are coming together of how to launch. But I would really like a team God. If you are going to start RIGHT, it's going to cost money and God's hand. It's like this: me going to churches and such asking to support a church plant that is going to take some HUGE risks where one of two things are going to happen: you're going to grow like CRAZY from the start or you're going to crash and burn. Both I'm totally okay with. I just want to do something for the kingdom. I tried of praying and having bible study. I'm ready to take action and a risk for God. I want to be unsafe and uncomfortable; totally relying on God. You think a church would go for that? I didn't think so. That's way I need God to pave the way.
  • STINK! I'm late for the movie.