It's been a quite couple of days in the life of Josh, but here are some of the thoughts that have been running through my head:
- Have you read The Big Idea
by Dave Ferguson of Community Christian? I recommend it to anyone that has any part in planning a weekly service. I don't know if I'm sold on the Big Idea concept, I like it, but I'm sold on the planning process.
- Next steps. I've decided to start a church, but what are next steps. I'm waiting to buy some books to give me some insight, but any direction God.
- Still looking for a job. I've applied everywhere. At least 50+ places and nothing has come back. If anyone knows of a job, please let me know.
- It was totally sweet of my Grandma to send me some money. Again, thank you so much!
- Still reading through Plastic Jesus and really am loving it. He makes a lot of good points and is challenging me to change.
- Met with a guy on Monday shared my heart and He shared his about church planting. Kind of share how I got to where I'm at today and where I think I'm going. It was cool to meet him and hear his heart.
- How did the church get to where it is now? Willow Creek came out and said that The Church (kingdom church) isn't discipling people as we should. That's the church as a whole, not just Willow. We have churches full of hollow Christians. How did we get here? I think is the first question to fixing it. How have we been teaching, not what we've been teaching, but how? Where is the disconnect? Does it start with the Pastors? Ministry leaders, think about it. Do you agree? Are the Christian in your church hollow?
- My brother is great and generous! He called on his way home and asked if I wanted anything from QT (a gas station in phoenix). Of course I did. I gave him my request and he ask if there was anything else I wanted. If I was hungry he would get it. How cool is that? He went above and beyond. A lot can be learned from that man!
- Next generation iPhone to be released around June/July! 3G capabilities? User platform?
- I love that my family is blogging. Would be cool if they blogged more. Hint. Hint.
- Looking around. I need to still finish cleaning my office and finding space for all my junk.
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