Under the Influence

Steven talked on his blog, Steven Furtick.com today about being under the influence of paranoia, momentum and doubt in a place of leadership and the lack of sound decision you as a leader has when you allow these three to take over your thoughts:

Sometimes as a leader, I find myself making decisions so dumb that it’s almost like I’m drunk on something.
There are obvious elements that can intoxicate leaders: pride, jealousy, sin, lust…
But lately I’ve been thinking of some less obvious leadership intoxicants that often seem to impair my judgment. Here are just a few:

1. Paranoia.
Occasionally I hear of one or two families who have left the church, and I find myself playing out 45 scenarios as to why they left, what I said that made them mad, and who might leave next. Overdosing on paranoia causes a pastor to reduce his congregation to the lowest common denominator, and operate out of suspicion, needlessly punishing good, loyal people.

2. Momentum.
Sometimes success and momentum can make a leader cocky. You ever seen a drunk redneck start talking trash, looking for a fight, and get himself hurt because he didn’t even bother to size up his opponent? Kind of like that. I think this happened to Joshua after he defeated Jericho, and strutted into Ai without his best men. At times, I have presumed that God will keep doing tomorrow what he did yesterday, no additional faith or effort required. And this always ends badly.

3. Doubt
You’ve got to be careful. Someone might slip something strong into the punch bowl while you’re not looking. Proverbs 4:23 warns you to guard your heart above all else, because the issues of life flow from it. When you let people who don’t have your best interests at heart speak into your life with open access, they can contaminate your pure faith with drops of discouragement and doubt. And next thing you know, you find yourself inebriated by insecurity.

Leaders, we’ve got to sober up. We’re carrying precious cargo.

Doubt hit me hard. When I first read the title, I assumed something else and then it spoke what I needed to hear. Perry Noble says he only listens to those that love Jesus and love him and in that order. And that he prays constantly for God to speak through those people. There is some sound wisdom for you.

He is my problem: I want to believe people. I have to be VERY careful in what I believe when people talk. It's my weakness, I recognize it. One level of protection, take what they say and HOW they say it (just as important) back to scripture. If it contradicts God's word. Throw it out and don't give it any more thought.

P.S. For someone that doesn't believe in the Bible I sure do put a lot of trust in it. ;)