TOP 100 - Outreach

Not so interested in the TOP 100 Largest Churches, but the TOP 100 Fastest Growing Church is where it is at.
I'm going to watch churches that are movers and shakers and we even have some in Arizona. No love on the west side, but we can change that. I had to purchase the PDF so I won't show the list, but if you are wanting to check it out you can get a copy at There are some things that these Fastest-Growing-Churches have in common (that I've noticed):

1. Clear Vision: they know what God is calling them to do and they are RUNNING in that direction. They don't let anything or anyone come in the way for what God is doing and they limit their ministries to their vision. Because their vision is clear, they use it as a guide to which direction the church will head with specific ministries and all the ministries in the church align with the vision.

2. Simple Ministry: the fastest growing churches keep things simple. They don't over populate their church calendars with individual minsitries events, but with the church as a whole's ministry and vision (there is that vision again). They understand that even though the ministry could do great things, it could be a ministry that God hasn't asked their church to do. Being aligned with God - their budget, time and energy are all aligned as well and they are seeing results.

3. People Are Crazy in Love: their churches are full with people that are excited by the vision and what God is doing. They are living lives that reflect being crazy in love with God and others. They are changing and transforming peoples lives around them.