People Watching

Ever people watch? How people interact with each other has always been interesting to me. Watching people in a group setting is the best. I think you can learn more about someone by watching how they interact with others in the group then in any other setting. I'm sitting in Del Taco listening to a group of five guys that work for the City of Phoenix:

The Friendly Foreman: sat with the employees not by himself or with the other foremen. Doesn't see himself as higher or better then the guys that work under him. Lunch time is his time and he'll take advantage of the down time.

The Boss: Sitting at a table with just one other employee. Would like to be part of the guys, but doesn't want to undermine his place of leadership. Tries to pass the time by texting away on his cell phone.

The In-Guy: he isn't a foreman or in a place of leadership, but buddy, buddies with the foremen for a place of status among his peers. Sat with "the Boss" to show he's cool and took the time with his peers to show he is still one of them.

The Quiet One: older gentlemen. Doesn't want to play the game. He seems happy with where is at or at least has excepted it. Would love to move up to a management role, but doesn't feel it would be worth his time to apply.

The Wanna-Be: hesitant to interact with the foremen, but wants to be in their position. Try to buddy up to them, but tries to hard. Applies every year for foreman, but never gets a second interview. Figures if he tries to buddy with the foremen they will through in a good word.
Just an outsider looking in, but interesting what you can learn about people by listening and watching. I could be totally off, which is a good chance. I only observed an hour of their lives. They seem to be happy with their jobs, but it's just a job.

Watch some people today.