The Star of Wonder

This production was one of the best things I've ever seen. The Star of Wonder. It wasn't the story, there wasn't much of one. But everything that they packed into it, is what made it for me. They had a live elephant, tiger, camels, dogs, horses, donkeys, a tree of singing people, flying angels (like flying through the air kind of flying. At one point there were 6 or seven in the air at once), two aerial silk artists, two songs from High School Musical (with identical characters), two rap deals (very cool), tons of dancing and singing. It was packed full and nuts. It was very cool, though.

We all left impressed, but I got to thinking. How effective is doing a production like this? I have always loved the idea, but does it grow the kingdom? I don't know. Something that I'm thinking and struggling through. A bridge I'll cross someday.

Another thing that I processed through during the show. It didn't have anything to do with the show, but with just my thought process. I sick on money. I sick of how people get about it. I hate how it makes people act; whether they have it or not. My prayer on my way home last night was God, I hate what money does to me and the people around me. God, I want to be comfortable with what you give me. Whether rich or poor, I just don't ever want to worry about it. Help me get there. Help me not worry. Phil 4:6 -
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. God, I want to give it to you and not worry.

Here is another: Why do people think that they are entitled to whatever? Why can't people be flexible? Why can't people sacrifice for others? Especially in the Church.


Theophilus Rux said...

Good prayer. I join you in it. As for your last musing, the one on the sense of entitlement etc. even in the church, I think it is the other edge of the double-edged sword of our American prosperity. What you lament, you often don't see in "poorer" countries. God has blessed us immensely! We have a lot to be thankful for. But I think we risk forgetting whence those blessings come, just like the Israelites did when God warned them in Deut. 8:10-20 not to forget about Him. I pray we will heed the warning they forgot. Good post, Josh. I'm glad you liked the program... I haven't been in a long time but it's definitely worth seeing at least once.