Random Randomness

It's been a pretty quiet day; I've just been looking for a job or more design work, but here are some of the thoughts that have gone through my head.

  • There a lot of design jobs out there. That could be cool to work for a design company.
  • I miss ministry. I miss going into the weekend with Sunday just around the corner.
  • Been looking at a lot of churches and their ministries, plans for Christmas, etc and haven't seen a lot of churches out there really pushing the envelop in reaching and marketing to non-believers. Huh, interesting.
  • I have some bills coming soon...how am I going to pay them? It always works out, but I wonder how it is going to happen this time. I guess I miss jury duty, well at least the money.
  • God's moving somethings forward, which is crazy cool, but I'm still scared to death of what could be around the corner. More on that all to come...still processing through it.
  • I'm ready to take action and some HUGE risks for God's Kingdom and my relationship with my Creator.
  • Questions? At what point do "Christians" realize that their faith is hallow and start living as God designed us to live? and then, how do we live a life as God designed us to? People like to be comfortable, but the only thing that is comfortable about a relationship to Christ is knowing He is always there.