I've been praying for month now on what direction I'm to go next and after this morning I am confident that this is the direction I'm to go. I'm going to take action for God's Kingdom like Jonathon against the Philistines. One of two things are going to happen we are going to succeed or fail and still succeed.I visited Arrowhead this morning. It was nice to be back. I checked out both youth services. I went to see Brent's worship set, which was good. He would say it was he's worst. I noticed something about myself though. My passion and heart isn't in junior high ministry any more. Junior Highers will always hold a special place and I still believe it is the most important age-level ministry of the church. It was cool to see all my past students and friends at Arrowhead that I haven't seen in awhile, but God is calling me to start a church. It's weird. Of course I've fought it every step of the way, but God keeps putting it in my path. Things are lining up and people are being placed in my life that could actually bring this passion and dream to existence.
One thing that I hold to, Is I need a strong team. Not only to start a church, but to lead and maintain it. I would like to see a church that is built on teams and not just said we are, but prove it every day. I'll post my thoughts on a Org Chart of the staff sometime later.
I'm doing it though. I'm taking action and starting a church. We probably won't open our door for a first Sunday for a year or two, but I'm going to start one. Please be praying for me and praying for a strong to team come around me that have the gifts that I lack. That means it needs to be a BIG team. Pray for wisdom, peace and next step directions. Pray that my personal relationship become more and more intimate. People don't need more Pastors they need more Jesus!
10 years ago
That's so sick dude!! It's kinda too soon for me to say anything for sure...but I would love to be apart of it. We'll see
Dude, I can't tell you how much that comment meant to me! This will sound gay, but tears came to my eyes when I read that. I would absolutly love to have you apart of a church plant with me.
Dude, I can't tell you how much that comment meant to me! This will sound gay, but tears came to my eyes when I read that. I would absolutly love to have you apart of a church plant with me.
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