Hair Cut Fund

Since money is a little tight right now; a haircut isn't on the top of the budget list when I have bills and gas needing to be paid. But if you would like to help in purchasing a haircut for me you can click on the donate button below and do just that. I know how much all of you people out there like me with long hair!


Anonymous said...

If we donate to your hair cut fund, do we get to pick what type of hair cut you get?

Josh Burcham said...

Definiatly. You would have a vote. My vote just out weighs everyone else put together. :)


Andrew Burcham said...

How old is that picture?

Josh Burcham said...

A couple of years to go.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was going to ask how old that picture is too. You are much more handsome now. Aaa-aaawww! I know, sappy. But it's really what I think. By the way, has anyone donated to your fund?

Josh Burcham said...

LOL. Nope not yet.
