We'll Try Again

I've tried this blogging this in the past and never really took off with it. So I'm not making any promises if I keep this blog up and running and post to it often, but I will try. It says (we'll I don't know what it is) that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so for the next 21 days I'm going to try and post at least once every day. I'll try and post on what I've been up too for all of you I don't to see that often and on my recent journey with my Savior. So here is the start...November 2nd.



Anonymous said...

Cool blog. I see that you have a link to Seth Godin's blog. He has a lot of useful information on his blog.

I've read a couple of books that he co-wrote or contributed to.

Josh Burcham said...

I know. I difiantly like him. I just found his blog after reading The Dip.