Reflections from

The overall experience was good, if not excellent. The location was so so and the size of the congregation was smaller then expected. It defiantly has a church plant feel. The people were very friendly which was nice since there was only 10-20 people there before the service started, but by the third song it filled in.

Here are some of my thoughts from the Experience:

  • Visually everything looked great. The bulletin was simple and great. Environment was was simple, clean and great. Stage was simple and great. Lighting was simple and great. When I say simple, doesn't mean their wasn't a lot to it, but the look was simple. Does that make sense? Probably not, sorry. And since I love things to look good...I was sold from the moment I walked in.
  • This is going to sound weird, but the bathroom says a lot about a church and a company. Lifechurch's bathrooms were clean and a real design plan and had bookmarks on the counters of the current series.
  • Music was prefect. The team drew me into worship and played songs that we're prefect for that moment and got people excited to worship our creator.
  • Don't know what I think about the live video teaching. The teaching element of the Lifechurch is from the main campus in Oklahoma, broadcast through video to all the Lifechurch campuses. I was in-tune to it the entire time, but I don't know if I would be able to do it every weekend. I think I would miss the connect with a live person. Someone I can interact with on a weekly basis. Lifechurch is a growing church and the one campus that wasn't growing as fast as the others is the main campus where the teacher is live.
  • They took the offering during the service, which isn't un-normal, most churches do it that way. But the campus pastor made the comment if you are an adult and have a financial need where you can't buy clothes, food or pay rent pull the money you need out of the basket. Thought that was interesting. Don't have an opinion either way, but thought it was cool. I took a couple hundred bucks. Just kidding.
  • Had an invitation time at the end of the service and asked us to bow our head and raise our hand. Pretty normal. But they instructed people that prayed for the first time to pick up a "What's Next?" packet. Which included a new-believers bible, a CD and a DVD. Don't know what was talked about on them, but I do know baptism is one thing. Not only is it full of info, but it looked cool too.
  • The last thing they did was the band came back up and sang one verse and had everyone shout their motto, sounds weird, but was very cool and we were dismissed, but the band keep playing and finished the song. Very cool.
That's all I can remember. If anything else comes up, I'll be sure to post. If Lifechurch was up here in the northwest valley I would defiantly attend. It was my kind of church.