Dan in Real Life

Instead of review a movie like everyone else does on the planet, I thought it would be cool to post my learning from the film as well....

I'll start with....the film was OKAY. Not amazing. Not horrible. Just okay. It had it's funny moments, thanks to Steve Carell, but overall it was a worth seeing one time movie.

Now for my learnings. I guess I didn't really learn anything new about myself or God's truth in this one, but I was reminded of somethings. I was reminded of how much I desire to me married and have kids. It's not just something that I think would be cool and I would be good at, though I think both are true (coming from someone that had done neither), but I'm built that way. God's truth: man was created to be with woman and populate the earth. I have friends that honestly feel that they are to be single in their life, which I think is great for them, but not me! I know they are confident that God's plan is that for them. I pray to God that isn't his plan for me! But to see in Dan in Real Life the interaction he had with his kids and with his new found love...I love to see that and more importantly would love to experience that. After seeing movies like this the question always comes into my mind...when? When, God are you going to make my path a line with another?

Let me get authentic for a second: I get labeled often by friends and family as the "too picky one." Which, of course, does bother me to hear, but it doesn't come from nowhere. It has some merit. I don't like talking about the whole relationship thing. Why don't I like talking about it? I can tell you exactly why...I don't like to be that vulnerable. You talking about something that is very important to me and something I've never really talked about with people before. At least not on a real level. But I am picky. It's not just in the looks department for all of you that just thought I was talking about that. I picky about a lot of things. I want to make sure we match. I'm the same way with my friends. Their are certain qualities that are important to have and there are certain ones that are important to not have. For example: she has to be loving and caring (two qualities that I don't really have),
she has to be optimistic (you might think I'm weird, but it really bugs me and something that I've worked very hard at to try and fix in myself), she has to love to laugh, she has to let me be me (I know everyone says that, but I can be on two different sides of the spectrum depending on the day), she has to be able to give me my space, but never be to far off, she has to be willing to force me to do things I don't want to do, she has to be willing to fight and argue and do it fair (I never want to go through life and not talk about "certain" things), she has to want kids (deal breaker), she has to have a passion for ministry (another deal breaker), she has to be willing to follow my lead, even when I'm wrong, she has to be a friend first, she has to have a great butt (sorry, it's true and I'm not changing it), I have to like her family, she has to be willing to continue to grow till the day she dies and force me to do the same.

There it is. For all of you that have tried to get this out of me before. I hope you're happy! Just kidding. I defiantly believe that everything can teach us some thing about ourselves and helps us find God's truth. Notice I didn't say everything in life can teach us truth from God. That would be wrong.

P.S. You can try and talk to me about this, but you probably won't get far in person. But by all means try.


Anonymous said...

I see there is an easier way to post comments! Did you fix that?

Back on subject.

Josh, I know you would make an excellent husband and father. I have seen you grow into the person you are and I have seen your love for your family.

Don't be too picky. Yes, you have to look for certain qualities, but you never know what other qualities you will love until they are presented to you. Everyone brings something different to the table and when you find the right person God will let you know. He may have a different set of qualities waiting for you in someone you wouldn't expect.

I think I am starting to ramble. If you ever want to talk about this stuff let me know.


Josh Burcham said...

Thanks Steve! That makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, Josh. It is hard to be vulnerable, especially with people you love, since you want them to always think good things about you. I know I'm this way. I want Steve to think I'm perfect, but we all know that's not true. It makes it easier when I am more vulnerable with him. He enjoys it more too when I am a real person with vulnerabilities. Otherwise, what would I need him for, right? When I am vulnerable it allows him to love me in a more genuine way. Now I think I'm starting to ramble. How many times did I use the "v" word? Geez. Anyway, I think you got my point. Thanks for sharing! Love you.