Book Review: Simple Church

Simple Church
by Thom Rainer & Eric Geiger

This one has been going around the circle for a month or so, but I just got around to reading it. My overall review at first of Simple Church is good. The idea I love and the principles I get.

Clarity >> Movement >> Alignment >> Focus

I think the a great idea that is hard to implement. I would love to see the churches that have changed their way of doing thing to be more simple and that transition. I think building a church on these principles would be much easier then to have to cut programs to focus your purpose, but if you know of any churches that have done it. Email me I would love to hear their story.

It is defiantly true that our society is going simple and people love simple in their complex lives. Apple and Google (two companies I love) are perfect examples of simple and apparently they are doing something right, Google's stock is still over 700 a share!

Other Books Still Reading: The Big Idea by Dave Ferguson and Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath.


Bill Reichart said...

We just reading Simple church last spring and it revolutionized the way we thought and did church. It was one of the best books I've read this year. But one interesting insight as we have applied it is that church should and can be simple for those in the church. But for me and the other staff who are involved intimately in the design and the process - it is nothing simple, but rather it can be very complex and a lot of hard work to create a simple church.

bill from ProvocativeChurch

Josh Burcham said...

Thanks for the insight and comment. I would love to hear your teams stories as you processed through simple church. Email me.
